Brief: Unmasking Liana Shanti (w/Jennings Brown)

Jennings Brown is becoming the Dr. Who of cult journalism. Every few years he pops up on a very different planet in the cultiverse, and tries to repair the timeline. 

These days he’s deep into the story of a cult leader who seems to have no “presence” at all. Liana Shanti has managed to recruit about 180 women into her lucrative fever dream of Satanic Panic, recovered memories, starvation diets, and family destruction—all from behind a keyboard and a podcast microphone. 

Who is Liana Shanti, and why isn’t she Liane Wilson any more? 

Show Notes

Inside Liana Shanti’s Lemurian Mystery School — Jennings Brown

Conspirituality Podcast

Conspirituality is a study of converging right-wing conspiracy theories and faux-progressive wellness utopianism.

151: Satan Wants You Watch Party (Spoilers)


150: Spiritual Influencer Theory