94: Conspirituality Goes to War

After two years of being lied to about COVID, are you really going to believe the mainstream media about what’s happening in Ukraine? Didn’t you know that Ukraine is a child-trafficking hub? That it’s full of US-funded bioweapons labs? Do you really think Putin is evil, or do you just think what you’re told to think? Look at you, with your all-new, personalized, more terrifying feed to doom scroll. Only it’s not new, just more intense. If it wasn’t, how would the powers-that-be keep your attention while they instantly convert your money into social credit and make you pay $10 for a gallon of gas? Wake up! See through the green-screen battle scenes and crisis actors covered in stage blood. The explosions are revelations, the flashes of light are miracles waiting to be recognized.

Yes, dear listeners: Conspirituality influencers have gone to war, and they’ve dragged us kicking and screaming to the front lines. But now that we’re here, we’re committed to understanding and negotiating this liminal space. We are podcast peacekeepers. Our rations are non-GMO. We have our helmets of analysis securely fastened; our flak jackets will protect our vital organs. Most importantly, our hearts will stay intact.

To you at home: we urge you to plant your victory gardens now and keep the faith. Conspiritualists have launched a brutal, illegal attack on a humanitarian crisis. They’re monetizing a war in which starving 19-year-olds are killing civilians. Our influencers may well meet the reality of their empty souls on this battlefield. When they come home bandaged, they will need soup and real jobs—and that will be up to us.

Show Notes

Who is Gene Decode?

Signposts On The Road To Ascension Trailer #1 — Witzeman

Ukraine Invasion & Putin’s Spiritual Advisor Alexandr Dugin

Teal Swan on The War Inside

Christiane Northrup Shares Patriot Underground on the Khazarian Mafia

JP Sears Hot Tub Hot Take

Pro-Publica on Fake Fact-Checks About Invasion

Maajid Nawaz on Facebook and Azov Battalion

NATO on National Women’s Day

BBC on Claims of “crisis actors” in Ukraine

Fascist Messaging in Ukraine Resistance

Kitchen Soup News antisemitic conspiracy word salad

Trucker Convoy Ukraine Talking Points

Russian Disinformation Makes Local Relatives Doubt Accounts of Relatives in Ukraine

Pat Robertson Says Ukraine is the Pathway to The Second Coming

New Age Influencer Akura’s Dream Prophecy

Conspirituality Podcast

Conspirituality is a study of converging right-wing conspiracy theories and faux-progressive wellness utopianism.


95: Aleksandr Dugin: Kali Yuga Chess


93: Roganomics (w/Daniel Latorre & Jessica Malaty Rivera)