71: So Do We Believe in Anything at All?

We’re grounding down. We’re letting go. We are going deep. We are finding the metta in our meta and tuning in to Source. This week we’ll either answer or transcend the core questions our listeners post in moments of parasocial vulnerability:

Do you guys believe in anything at all? Are there any wholesome spiritual communities out there? Are all spiritual teachers toxic?

This four-hour immersive encounter between three white guys is not to be missed!

(Seriously tho: we’ve got some huge interviews and investigative pieces coming up in the next few weeks, so we’re kicking back a little here to talk basics and regroup.)

Conspirituality Podcast

Conspirituality is a study of converging right-wing conspiracy theories and faux-progressive wellness utopianism.


72: John of Fraud (w/Lisa Braun Dubbels & Mirna Wabi-Sabi)


70: Conspiracy Theories Conceal a Burning World (w/Daniel Sherrell)