39: How to Talk about Conspiracy Theories (w/Anna Merlan)

What are we learning about conspiracies, conspiracy theories, and those who hold them? How are we maintaining our optimism that facts are real, that they can be discovered, and shared? How will we continue to communicate with those who are confused? In this episode, we continue our rich conversation on the proximity of conspiracism and spiritual paths and the ways in which we fall into and climb out of fever dreams.

In the Jab, Julian looks at concerns about vaccines and pregnancy. In a Ticker segment, Matthew ponders the British Wheel of Yoga’s “neutral” stance towards the COVID vaccine, and how it unintentionally welcomes conspiratorial thinking.

Republic of Lies author Anna Merlan sits down with Derek to discuss the process of embedding with conspiracy consumers and peddlers, and the challenges faced when reporting on them. Discussing the interview, Julian uses the ideas of George Lakoff to think about containment and reframing. Matthew looks at how yoga and wellness influencers can play both sides of the consumer/peddler coin through the paradoxical private spectacle of social media.

Show Notes

‘I Miss My Mom’: Children Of QAnon Believers Are Desperately Trying To Deradicalize Their Own Parents

British Wheel of Yoga indulges vaccine “neutrality”

Dr. Victoria Male on vaccines and pregnancy

Anna Merlan on the Austin Influencer Movement

Anna Merlan on PBS’s Open Mind

Yoga podcaster J. Brown expresses doubts about COVID and the vaccines

Charles Eisenstein is turning to fiction

Abbie Richards and her Conspiracy Chart

Conspirituality Podcast

Conspirituality is a study of converging right-wing conspiracy theories and faux-progressive wellness utopianism.


40: White Supremacy: Grift and Gravity (w/Michelle Cassandra Johnson & Daniel Lombroso)


38: Natural Hopes, Natural Fallacies (w/Drs Juniper Martin & Adriana Berusch)