29: Bro Science (w/Dr Dan Wilson)

Here’s an episode that’s been micro-brewing for a while: Bro Science: where conspirituality meets the manosphere.

We’ve even got a working definition! Here’s a taste.

Bro Science is junk science spewed by men who believe their charisma is a substitute for training. It brags, mocks, overreaches. It’s self-serving and self-interested. It can carry hints of toxic masculinity: entitlement, unearned confidence, no qualms about taking up space, repressing emotion or hiding it behind humour or grandiosity. It preaches individualism and self-sufficiency from the lonely triumph of Bro.

We’ll listen to some top “Bro scientists” to see how bro-ness reduces, minimizes, and mocks science. We’ll listen to pearls of bro-dom from JP Sears, Kyle Kingsbury, Aubrey Marcus, Sayer Ji, Toronto’s very own BBQAnon, Adam Skelly, and Zach Bush, doctor to the bros.

Dear listeners: you might feel at the end of our tour like you need a coffee colon cleanse or testosterone nootropic. But we’ve got something better: an interview with Dr. Dan Wilson, who does the opposite of Bro Science. He’s a molecular biologist who by day works in the lab at Carnegie Mellon University, but by night crushes out Dr. Wilson Debunks the Funk videos, cutting conspiritualists down to size.

Show Notes

The Lonely Descent into QAnon, Pt 1

Analysts create AI tool that can distinguish between conspiracy theories and real conspiracies

Former Israeli space security chief says aliens exist, humanity not ready

In 2020, Disinformation Broke the US

BBQAnon thinks he knows something about PCR tests

Public Health Ontario: false positivity rate is 0.01%,

Sayer Ji geeks out with Michael Sandler

Sayer Ji’s GreenMedInfo cherry-picks a vaccine study report

Here’s the actual source that GMI distorted

Dr. Maria Sundaram Twitter thread on how to talk with vaccine-hesitant people.

Covid-19, Remote Work Make Austin a Magnet for New Jobs

What is phase angle?

Dr. Dan Wilson’s Debunk the Funk channel

Conspirituality Podcast

Conspirituality is a study of converging right-wing conspiracy theories and faux-progressive wellness utopianism.


30: Are There Really Two Sides? (w/Charles Eisenstein)


28: Resurrection of Jordan Peterson (w/Jeff Brown)