133: Grifts That Keep on Taking (w/Kevin Klatt)

Remember way back to the beginning of this podcast, shortly after “Plandemic” dropped, when wellness influencers immediately began selling supposed “immune supporting” supplements? That trend has only intensified in recent months, with grifters like Peter McCullough and Mikki Willis getting in on the supplement game. In part three of his trilogy on supplements, Derek talks with dietician Kevin Klatt about what supplements are actually good for—as well as how this unregulated industry is monetizing fears around future viruses. 

They also discuss the wild west of nootropics, supposed brain-enhancing substances that don’t scare you about pandemics, but instead make you believe that with just a little more optimization you’ll be the most perfect you possible…until another product drop, that is. To discuss the world of lack that other influencers capitalize on, we’ll discuss the annual A Fest, a TED-style wellness gathering for millionaires that banks on you never actually feeling content in your life, but instead chasing a promise of unachievable eternal betterment.

Show Notes

Inside the Wellness Festival for Millionaires

Human Rights Watch: Jordan

Kevin Klatt on Instagram | Twitter

Conspirituality Podcast

Conspirituality is a study of converging right-wing conspiracy theories and faux-progressive wellness utopianism.


134: Elon Musk, Buddhabro? (w/Ann Gleig and Brenna Artinger)


132: Ye, Balenciaga, & Twilight Zone Propaganda (w/Francesca Tripodi)