123: The Red-Pilled "Academic" Who Named Our Podcast

Mystery topic today. Emergency episode. Breaking story. Amazing if true! Totally transformative plot twist. You gotta listen through for the big reveal, and then hit smash for more.

Spoiler alert: QAnon was foreshadowed by Pizzagate, but Pizzagate was foreshadowed by a moral panic in London, England that was driven in part by someone the three of us are karmically bound to, for good or ill, forever.

But first, Derek’s got a This Week in Conspirituality segment on the boom times for pseudoscience telehealth. Psychic healing for Zoom, as he calls it.

Show Notes

Network of right-wing health care providers is making millions off hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, hacked data reveals

The Anti-vax founder of America’s Frontline Doctors now has a license to practice in Florida

US cardiologist makes false claims about Covid-19 vaccination


Teal Swan allegations documents

Re P and Q (Children: Care Proceedings: Fact Finding)

Jacqui Farmer's "Hampstead Research"

Illuminati Party! - Reasons Not to Be Scared of the Illuminati.

Charlotte Ward’s conspirituality.org About page

Full article: The Emergence of Conspirituality

Hoaxtead Research

Charlotte writing as Jacqui on conspirituality.org

Charlotte Ward denounces ‘Hampstead psy op’ | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

Charlotte Ward - Academia.edu

Ward cites Icke

Alex Jones’s trans-bigoted conspiracy theory about Michelle Obama

Unhinged ‘Transvestigators’ Think They’re the Only Cis People Left

Conspirituality Podcast

Conspirituality is a study of converging right-wing conspiracy theories and faux-progressive wellness utopianism.


124: No Bad Idea Ever Dies (w/Thomas Lecaque)


122: Timeline Retox: Biohacking and Fascism and Stuff