108: Downeast with Christiane Northrup (w/Mooncat, Andy O’Brien, & Alyce Ornella)

Half-a-million Facebook followers. Hundreds of videos in a series called “The Great Awakening.” Christiane Northrup, the matriarch of New Age women’s wellness, warns her followers about fake viruses, and tells them to avoid sex with their vaccinated partners. She stumps alongside QAnon celebrities, shovels campaign contributions to Trump, and dotes over sovereign citizen sheriffs. To ease your symptoms of ascension, she offers bath recipes of alfalfa greens and Dr. Bronner’s soap. You can have a good soak and listen to her golden harp.

But in this nowhere world, where oh where is Christiane Northrup? Who is she? Is she flesh and blood, or a social media hologram generated by a Louise Hay AI? Is that mansion she broadcasts from a sound stage, or is there real soil and manure and flowers there? Our guests today know Northrup as super-real, because they live in her home state of Maine. Alyce Ornella, Andy O’Brien, and Mooncat have known her as a doctor, an MLM diva, antivax rabble rouser, and QAnon tour promoter.

Now, they tell us, another Northrup may be crystallizing on Maine’s rocky shore, floating past the lighthouses and over the cranberry bogs on a cloud of essential oils. She’s been seen haunting the blueberry patches, wearing a chunky necklace of lobster claws. As Northrup begins to hold revival meetings in Down East churches, and openly fantasize about murdering political enemies, they wonder if she is assuming her ultimate form—as an IRL cult leader.

Show Notes

Dear Dr. Northrup

Dr. No: Christiane Northrup

Republican barred from inviting guests into State House

Naomi Wolf: “Five Freedoms” speech, April 2021.

Arise USA rally draws crowds inside, outside Crosby Center

Arise USA Meets Maine Stands Up

Inside the Disastrous Conspiracy Roadshow That Likely Killed a COVID-Denying Ex-CIA Agent

Maine Republican compared the governor to Nazi Josef Mengele

ME state rep compares COVID vaccine mandate to Nazism

Northrup boosts Holo-denier Charlie Freak

On John Linnehan, Dominionist

Conspirituality Podcast

Conspirituality is a study of converging right-wing conspiracy theories and faux-progressive wellness utopianism.


109. Who’s Afraid of Teal Swan? (w/Jon Kasbe)


107: An Open Letter to Aubrey Marcus