1: Coronation for Whom?

Barely two weeks into various stages of lockdown around the world, New Age philosopher Charles Eisenstein published a 9,000-word essay on the meaning of the pandemic. He summed up his core theme with deft wordplay at about the 7,000-word mark. After suggesting that the global crisis afforded a kind of transformative opportunity, he writes

“Now the question arises: Initiation into what? What is the specific nature and purpose of this initiation? The popular name for the pandemic offers a clue: coronavirus. A corona is a crown. ‘Novel coronavirus pandemic’ means ‘a new coronation for all.’

What was so captivating about this essay that Jack Dorsey tweeted it to the 4.5M followers on his platform? What are Eisenstein’s premises, credentials, rhetorical techniques? What are his connections to medical libertarianism, and how does he manage to endorse conspirituality while seeming to deconstruct it?

Show Notes

The Coronation — Charles Eisenstein

CORONATION UNVEILED: A Critique and Cure for Charles Eisenstein’s Fairy Tale Pandemic Essay — Jack Adam Weber

Daniel Pinchbeck’s response to The Coronation

The Conspiracy Myth — Charles Eisenstein

Covid-19 Is A Rehab Intervention: Charles Eisenstein | Rich Roll Podcast

Charles Eisenstein / Sayer Ji discussion

During COVID-19, Charles Eisenstein Invites You to Think Deeply About His Awesome Writing — Matthew Remski

Transformational Weight Loss — Charles Eisenstein

Conspirituality Podcast

Conspirituality is a study of converging right-wing conspiracy theories and faux-progressive wellness utopianism.


2: Conspirituality in Zach Bush and J.P. Sears


0.2: The Kelly Brogan Effect & Red Pills